Thursday 10 January 2013


Long overdue is my interview with Milna from Milna89,a fashion blogger who lives in Oslo,Norway and strangely for some people is not interested in fashion.Her greatest accomplishment is graduating from university as a construction engineer (civil engineer) but her passion is dressing well and presenting herself in the best possible way.

How long have you been blogging and what made you start?

Exactly 40 days.(the interview was taken in November). Not a long time, but I had an amazing start.
I was just bored with my life. It was really monotone. Now I get the chance to be active in my life, in the sense that I’m putting myself out there and going after the thing I want.

 Where are your favorite places to shop?

I’m really a high-street girl. Love H&M, Zara and Mango. Those stores fit my pocket really well, and they have presentable items.

 Are there any trends you are particularly inspired by this season?

I do really follow trends to be honest. I just do not have the brain capacity to follow trends on point. If it’s fabulous – it is a trend according to me.

How would you respond to people that think that being interested in fashion is too materialistic?

It really is. We all should probably help out in the world and contribute a lot more rather than blog about non-sense. Kudos to bloggers with charities.

What's your trend forecast for the coming season?

What ever wacky idea the designers have I guess… I think the colors will be back :)

What is your favorite website or app right now?

I’m just starting to get into Twitter. I really catch on slowly, plus my friends weren’t using it. Don’t judge me please..

What do you hope to achieve through your fashion blog?

I hope to conquer the world, and be the reigning queen of the world. No, seriously I hope my blog gets recognized by a substantial amount of people. And that I someday will  have the influence on people to make a change and promote charities I care about.

Who is your favorite fashion designer at the moment and why?

Fashion designer, I don’t favor them. I favor doctors who save lives and the inventors of electricity and facebook (genius).
Other that that I favor the sewing craft more then the designs themselves.
I realize the influence they have on mainstream fashion and that is why I don’t idolize them.

Who has been your greatest fashion influence?

My mom. We all imagine that we are going to be so much different then our parents, and then as we grow up we realize that we are becoming them. Everything that I am, style, humor and personality is thanks to my mom. Other that her style, I admire her accomplishments.

What advice do you have to a newbie blogger? What do you wish you could go back and tell yourself at the beginning of your blogging journey?

If your fingers are not bleeding, you are not blogging enough. Get out there, do not fear anything or be shy. Be aggressive and get what you want ;)

And at the end can you tell me what is the camera you are using for the pictures in your blog because bloggers are always curious :)

Canon eos 1100D and I just what to thank my new friend Borislava for featuring me in her blog.
I’m truly thankful for this.



  1. Thank you so much for the follow,dear.^^
    Follow you back on gfc (78).
    Do you also follow me on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back again.:)
    Lovely greets Nessa

  2. I love Milina and her style is great <3 would you like to follow each other?

  3. My beautiful girl <3 Milna, xoxo


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